6 Reasons Abraham Lincoln Would Be Great At Slow Cooker

Of all of the spaces in our homes, the kitchen often gets all of the love. But the whole "heart of the house" idea is an equally fitting way to describe another one of our Favorite spots -- the couch.From sleeping to TV-watching to "working" from home, the sofa is easily the Most used piece of furniture in our houses, which makes buying a long-lasting One a pretty big thing. There are the key factors you'll want to consider on your Search (think: frame, springs and cushions, and check out this buying guide from Our friends at GoodHousekeeping.com), but there is something even more Important to bear in mind, besides those nitty gritty details: how exactly do you Plan on using your sofa the most? If you are a napper who's ever tried of lying down on a sofa with high arms, for Instance, you understand exactly what we mean. toddler's grimey hands just landed on your expensive antique couch (#heartbreak). Whatever your lifestyle, there's a sofa availabl...